
Primary Level

The aims of the curriculum are to ensure that all children are provided with learning opportunities that recognise and celebrate their uniqueness, develop their full potential. The focus is on the child as learner, and the use of a variety of teaching methodologies is an essential feature of the curriculum.

The curriculum emphasises the need for greater attention to be paid to students with special educational needs and emphasises the importance of achieving functional literacy and numeracy. It also draws attention to the needs of gifted children.

Assessment for Primary level
We regularly evaluate students and periodically report the results of the evaluation to the students and their parents. In general children’s learning and achievement are regularly assessed in primary schools using a variety of tests and other methods.

Middle & Secondary Level
At this stage, between childhood and teenage, a greater ability for abstract thinking emerge in children. The shift from a theme-based approach to a more specialized and focused understanding of concepts in varied disciplines helps students gain insights into their areas of interest. The acquisition of new knowledge is made more meaningful through opportunities to apply it. Projects, exhibitions, presentations or field trips ensure that the learner finds many avenues to see the theory in practice.

Assessment for Middle & Secondary Level

The process of assessment starts with the Base Line Test, which is in the beginning of the academic year, and is used to set the targets for each subject. This test is based on the skills required in the current grade.

The other assessments and evaluation are based on Scholastic and Non Scholastic Attainments. This is reflected in the mid-term review report and the end of term evaluation report cards. Scholastic attainment includes Formative and Summative Assessment.